Starring: Anna Paquin, Brian Cox, Dylan Baker
Directed by: Michael Dougherty
Language: English
Rating: R
Running Time: 82 minutes
Halloween may be over, but that doesn't stop Muddy Cult from posting horror movies...albeit a bit late. It's probably obvious that I haven't been the most timely with certain posts lately, but I'm trying my best. Between me and you, I originally had a bunch of horror movie reviews lined up for October, but I was thrown a few curveballs and never got around to it. Of course, past deadlines don't stop me from posting these things. Hopefully, they are still informative and entertaining.

Five interwoven stories that occur on the same block, on the same night. A couple finds what happens when they blow a jack o' lantern out before midnight, a high school principal has a secret life as a serial killer, a college virgin might have met the right guy for her, a group of mean teens play a prank that they take too far, and a hermit is visited by a special trick or treater. [source: IMDb]
For a couple of years, I've seen this movie on people's Halloween lists as something that's perfect to watch during the season. After watching, I can understand why. Sure, you can watch horror movies to get your thrills, but it's nice to watch a movie that actually revolves around Halloween and I don't think there's many of those out there. Trick 'r Treat is a bit of an anthology of stories, but unlike movies like ABCs of Death, each story connects to one another and occur all on one Halloween night. When the movie first began with a couple assumingly coming from a party or what have you, I wasn't sure what I was getting into. Their segment was rather short compared to the other scenarios, but it wasn't the last time we see them. They're pretty much a good bookend for this movie. In short, I enjoyed the smooth transitions from story to story. Even though each scenario was more off the wall than the next, they connected very well and had a bit of humor to it. To focus on the characters featured in this movie, I thought they were all pretty interesting and helped with some of the silliness and humor of this Halloween night. There was a good range from over the top characters like the principle and very subtly creepy characters like movie's mascot Sam.
I must admit that this movie does have it's silly or cheesy moments, but it does successfully contribute to the horror genre. Also, I don't think it would have a cult following if it didn't have some good scares, gore, and cheesiness. Most cult followings usually come with its flaws and this movie is not the best representative of the genre. While I wouldn't say that this movie is bad, it really isn't, but I can think of better horror movies and maybe even Halloween themed movies I'd rather watch every year. The movie doesn't fail in entertaining at all, but there are some gory moments that go overboard and sometimes the effects aren't the best and could possibly get you out of the moment of the scare. Other than those little things, which can be found in a lot of low budget or straight to video movies, I wouldn't mind watching this properly on a Halloween night with friends.
Trick 'r Treat is thoroughly an entertaining Halloween flick that would be fun to watch with a group of friends (or alone, if you're like me). The story transitions well and has a good balance of humor and horror. I really enjoyed the diversity of characters presented in each scenario and the actors are very dedicated to these crazy characters from story to story. I'm really hoping that Michael Dougherty keeps his word from 2013 and make a sequel to this cult Halloween movie. Overall, this is a very enjoyable Halloween flick that'll get you in the spirit and into the onslaught of gore and horror movies that October has to offer. Check it out on your next Halloween viewing party!
If there's something you want me to review, check out this post on how you can submit requests.
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