Monday, January 14, 2019

BlipMasta5's October & November 2018 Favorites

Favorite Music Video
TupTim Thai - Brail Watson

One of my favorite songs from Brail's Christ Crunken Commentary, TupTim Thai, finally got a music video. The great thing about it is the fact that it even takes place in the restaurant the song gets its name from! There's a lot of fun being had from this bass heavy tune and sprinkled in social commentary to make you think after you dance. The video then concludes with a quick discussion about the origin and effect of the "N word". Plainly laying out a quick point of view based on his research and leaving you to determine your own conclusion on the word and its usage. I highly recommend giving it a watch, for you will find something to enjoy in it.

Favorite TV Analysis
There Will Never Be Another Cartoon Like SpongeBob Squarepants - EmpLemon

SpongeBob is a very important memory in many 90's-00's kids as it has been a cultural landmark in American entertainment for years. It's the same for me, even if I didn't particularly care for later seasons. This video by EmpLemon analyzes exactly why it was so successful across the ages and his key realization was mind-blowing. If you, too, are interested in learning more about the series, I suggest that you should give this a watch.

Favorite Anime Analysis
You NEED to Watch My First Girlfriend is a Gal - Manime Matt

For the longest time, especially while it was being SimulDubbed, I loved this show. I loved all the antics within the anime and ridiculous script that had me laughing at every episode. During the airing, I was sad to see not many talk about the show and even denouncing it as simply a trashy show. There was a bit of controversy with one of the episodes as well that I felt was caused due to it being taken out of context. Yet, I soon realized that the main reason people weren't enjoying the show was because they were watching the sub. Manime Matt hits the nail on the head on why you should consider giving it a chance by watching the dub by Funimation above.

Favorite Video Game Parody
Pokemon: The Horror Movie Trailer - NigaHiga

Growing up, Pokemon was a very integral part of my gaming history as with most of my generation. Yet, that never stopped people for criticizing the concept of the game and show for essentially being like cock/dog fighting. Therefore, allow Ryan Higa to take that perspective to a slightly humorous horror movie trailer. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll shrink back in fear...only this Halloween! ...Or just add another video to your favorites.

Full Oct. 2018 Favorites Playlist: click here

Favorite Live Performance
Wax raps over EOM beat - Wax

Wax is such a lyrical wiz! To get many of his fans appetite whet for the upcoming EOM tribute project, he went back to a vocabulary onslaught for 6 minutes. This is a true demonstration of endless wordplay that has been inspired by artists of the likes of Eminem. The true technique is shown through the rhyme patterns, creative similes & metaphors. These are the types of examples that I wish I could use to prove the artistry of hip hop, but for some of the vulgarity can be that automatic turn off. If that's not the case for you, I highly recommend getting a dose of this linguistic medicine.

Favorite Artist to Watch
Breathin (Official Music Video) - Ariana Grande

Ariana Grande is certainly one of my favorite pop stars nowadays and this month was excellent evidence of why. Although many things about her personal life seem rather turbulent, she still manages to present it in the music in a way that is relatable and entertaining. The "Breathin" music video was only one piece that had my eyes locked on Ariana. The inescapable "Thank U, Next" was a second as a single and music video as well. The last portion was through a surprise docu-series through YouTube Premium, documenting the Dangerous Woman Tour and a bit of the Sweetener album creation. These glimpses into Ariana's life and music had me captivated the entire month. Have you caught up?

Favorite Anime Analysis
Tension & Style - Emotional Payoff in Alderamin on the Sky - Replay Value

While Alderamin on the Sky was airing, I was very shocked to see that it wasn't being highlighted much by the Ani-tubers I watch. This video finally came out and I was very pleased to see that someone else saw the amazing things I seen in the show as I did. This was a quick look at a couple of scenes in a very great episode in the first third of the season. If he's able to convince you to check out the show as I persuade you to watch it above, then I feel I did my job. Maybe one day I won't need a proxy to make anime recommendations... Either way, ENJOY!

Favorite Laugh of the Month
Fungeons & Flagons S2Ep5 "The Golden Quest" - Maude Garrett's Geek Bomb

Okay...this is a very unorthodox entry this time, but I couldn't resist sharing this bit of hilarity with you all. I have never been into Dungeons and Dragons growing up, but later in my life I was introduced to a peek into the fun when Maude Garrett brought a spinoff to SourceFedNerd (may it Rest In Peace). Ever since, I followed all of the iterations to Maude's own channel. It's a DnD inspired role playing game where a lot of hijinks tend to happen with fantasy and adventure with hilarious friends. This episode in particular has some of the most laugh-inducing moments I've had this season with Steve Zaragoza's special brand of humor playing off this season's main cast. If you dig offbeat jokes and good to bad singing, this is a treat for the soul.

Full Nov. 2018 Favorites Playlist: click here

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