Sunday, July 7, 2019

BM5's June 2019 Favorites

Favorite Music Discussion
No, Not All Popular Music Sounds the Same - MisterAmazing

I've heard this sentiment a lot, but it's interesting to see this topic heavily researched and presented in this manner. Yes, it's very true that there are trends that prevalent, but we also have some of the most diverse landscapes in the mainstream that we've had in a long time. This video does a great job putting a perspective that many don't see when only listening to the same stations/playlist on a day to day basis. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Favorite Music Video
Mixed Baby - DeStorm

DeStorm Power is a creator that I've been following for many years. He's done many styles of hip hop from pop & dancehall, to covers and club styles. Recently, though, he's been releasing more material discussion difficult topics with opposing opinions. The latest one, at the moment, happens to be this one that made me say I have to share this. The two points of view were decently explored and makes you truly think of how racial divides even affect people who don't have racial biases. The direction of the video was also well done alongside the acting. Check it out for the proof!

Favorite Freestyle
Lil' Dicky - Sway in the Morning

Lil' Dicky is a freaking anomaly in the industry to me. He's a comedic rapper that can actually flow with the best of them. There was the Lonely Island hype about a decade ago, but I still never saw a Lil' Dicky coming in the future. He's certainly an artist that is very talented, yet there are times when I wish he didn't always joke. If he didn't, there wouldn't be as many "oh, he's corny" comments. These freestyles are the evidence of this fact. So sit back, have a laugh, and imagine, what if he took rap more seriously and realize it will never happen.

Zack Fox: The Cave Episode 5 - Kenny Beats

I don't like to include favorites that were released in the current month, but this discovery this month was too hilarious not to include. The comedian rappers just get in their bag nowadays. Honestly, this is some shock rap that plays off like a bunch of friends just having a ball in their spare time. Logically, this just creates an entertaining time! If you dig some wacky nonsense with a bit of wit, then prepare to play the video over and over and over...

Favorite Anime Discussion
Aggretsuko: The Anime Perfect ONLY for Adults - AkiDearest

The first season was great. The second is great. This review is great. Hahaha. As I slowly get closer to being comfortable with reviewing anime again, I have to defer to this video on one of the shows that I highly enjoyed this season. The storyline of this season definitely was relatable to me. Adulthood certainly comes with their own troubles that aren't explored a lot in anime, so it's great that there's a show like this that is getting attention in the community. I highly recommend this series if you haven't given it a chance yet. Laughs and feels will ensue!

Full June 2019 Favorites Playlist: click here

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