Sunday, October 25, 2020

Quick Movie Review

Jacob's Ladder (2019, USA) | Rating: 1.5/5

I realized that this would be another good opportunity to do a comparison review, but honestly...I feel a little lazy about going back to the original movie starring Tim Robbins. Instead, I will say that everyone's talent was wasted on this pointless remake. I absolutely love Michael Ealy, but it pained me to see him try to turn this script into something comprehensible. I'm not a huge fan of the original, but I remember enjoying it years ago. I can't see myself saying the same for this version. I don't care about any of the characters, the script was confusing, and the twist was simply odd. In short, this movie was very bad and I'm glad that it's mostly been buried.

The Hunt (2020, USA) | Rating: 3.5/5

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make an "After Theater Review" for this "controversial" movie, but that gave me time to see it again at home on DVD. Honestly, seeing it a second time, I enjoyed it a little more. I was warned by one of my trivia buddies that she felt a little underwhelmed and when I saw it with my then co-worker, I shared that same sentiment at the end. Getting into spooky season, I had a rather fun time with this imperfect, hyper violent film. I can tell that these actors had fun making it too. I enjoyed the bait and switches, the intense action, and saticial view of right and left winged people. Yes, I said it! They made fun of everyone. I wasn't offended at all. In fact, I found it funny how overly aware they were with their libreralism and political correctness. If you want some bloody fun with good humor, this will keep you thoroughly entertained.

2001 Maniacs (2005, USA) | Rating: 2.5/5

Here and there I've heard this title in the horrorsphere and it took a Hulu expiration threat to push me to watch it recently. I didn't know if I knew that the legendary Robert Englund of Nightmare on Elm Street fame was in it. I also didn't know Lin Shaye was in it either and had no idea what I was getting myself into; my guess was cannibals. For the most part, I was right. This movie definitely wouldn't be made in this era of movies due to the dumb, racist Southerner jokes, but the characters are so cartoony it's easy to not find least the judging eyes gazing over the intrracial couple; everything is hyperbolic and ridiculous. It's all parody! I mean I laughed at a lot of these dumb, outdated stereotypes. Just the fun I saw in these actors having made me not take the content seriously...and they're cannibals. I had fun with it and, according to IMDb, it seems like everyone agrees more or less.

Southbound (2015, USA) | Rating: 3/5

I guess I forgot that this movie was an anthology, but I vaguely remember Nightmare Maven mentioned it in her review. Since it's been a while since I've seen said review, I thought this was going to be some sort of road trip horror flick, but no...there's a cult and giant monsters! I surprisingly enjoyed this anthology. I've seen a few horror anthologies and much like Trick 'r Treat, each mini story ties together from segment to segment, which was pretty cool. Now, is this the best horror anthology I've seen? No, but I did enjoy it. There was a good balance of action and character development and I liked how everything came together full circle.

The Lodge (2016, Canada) | Rating: 3.5/5

I honestly forgot I wanted to see this movie in theaters this year, until I saw Nightmare Maven upload her spoiler review for it. I immediately sought out for a theater playing it and opted out of seeing Blumhouses' Fantasy Island. This slow burning movie was not what I expected it to be and I thank the marketing department for that one. This was more than a couple kids not getting along with their dad's new girlfriend and them playing a trick on her. This was a psychological journey and I love those! I enjoyed the chemistry among these characters and the twists and turns the story fed us about this woman the kids despise. The payoff was definitely worth it!

If there's something you want me to review, check out Muddy Cult's Patreon on how to submit requests.

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