Friday, June 7, 2024

BM5's April 2024 Favorites

Favorite Dance Video
Return of the Dance Video - Ian Eastwood

One of the great choreographers of the online dance video craze decided to pay homage to those times with this video. It certainly was a blast from the past to see these set ups to be filmed and edited in a way that isn't contained to the dance studio. There's definitely still a few crews that drop a video like this here and there, but I for one am happy to see Ian back in action outside of the surprising outings I've seen him in the background. (I'm looking at you, Jungkook! He was standing next to you! Haha!!) I hope you enjoy this video, too.

Favorite Music Related Video
How I Write Platinum Hit Songs - Wax

If you're new around here, you should know that I've been a HUGE Wax fan since around 2007 or '08. What drew me to him was his genius wordplay, effortless delivery, and versatility as a musician. He's dropped raps and sung songs all while playing his guitar from time to time, and rhyme to rhyme, he's always left me impressed. Therefore, this little peek behind the curtain was quite the treat to see his process. It baffles me how quickly he can string words together in ways that seem preplanned; you can never tell what parts he has locked in and what he's working out on the fly. It's quite amazing to witness. Please, get a load of this!

Favorite Anime Discussion
The Problem with Problematic Media - Explanation Point

This is truly a nice deep dive about how many anime tropes we've been desensitized to. How we should handle and consume it all should always be an active choice, but at times, we can become so complacent and apathetic to the moral conundrum. Here Explanation Point truly lays it all out for us, since he realizes it's something we all must wrestle with as anime fans, even when we try our best to call out unsavory content that's heavily promoted. In fact, many of these points could be carried on to other forms of media, which I think it's worth the time to watch whether you're into anime or not.

Full April 2024 Favorites Playlist: click here

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