Saturday, February 8, 2020

Introducing: makz!

Hello there, all you music and movie lovers! My name’s makz, and I’m Miko’s osana najimi. (I mean, maybe middle school isn’t exactly “osanai koro,” but just roll with it.)

I’ve been studying Japanese since before there were any good books about it at Barnes and Nobles. Cassette tapes were involved.

A picture of makz, wearing an h.naoto punk shirt, onstage in front of a microphone. Their eyes are closed

In 2024 I’ll be celebrating 20 years of J-Rock fandom. I was involved in a short-lived but greatly fun J-Rock cover band in south Texas called “Rising Sun” about a decade ago, and currently I sing loudly in the shower in my tiny Los Angeles apartment.

With my move to the west coast, I thought I’d be getting more deeply into the music scene, but it turns out I’m mostly in the “barely paying the bills” scene instead. While I work and take night classes, I occasionally manage to read a book, watch a movie, or play a video game.

Now I’m gonna write some articles after doing those things! Right here! On this very blog!

(Are you excited? I’m excited. Did you eat crabs? I ate two.)

Anyway, douzo yoroshiku, and I’ll see you around!

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