R.I.P.D (2013, USA) | Rating: 2/5
I'm probably one of the few people that wanted to see this movie in theaters. Although, I didn't make it there and I didn't regret it. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't a movie that I had to see right away. Anyway, I recently picked it up from work and I expected it to be a fun little comedy that seemed similar to Men in Black. My predictions were indeed correct. Even though the movie brought nothing new to the table, it was entertaining and had a couple laughs here and there. It's no Men in Black, but it wasn't boring.

The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug (2013, USA) | Rating: 3.5/5
Love it or hate it, I enjoyed this second installment of The Hobbit. I think I enjoyed it a little more than the beginning. There was plenty of action and build up for the conclusion. I also had an easier time following the story. Although the love triangle was completely unnecessary, the other bits of character development was intriguing and I'm curious what is going to happen in the last installment. Lastly, similar to Catching Fire, the ending of the movie stopped at the perfect point for suspense.

The Lords of Salem (2012, USA) | Rating: 1.5/5
Ever since Rob Zombie jumped into the horror movie seen, I've been curious to see what he does in the director's chair. Unfortunately, every time House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects always happened to come on around 3 or 4 am when I had to go to work the next day or even class. So, aside from the remake of Halloween, this is the first original work I've seen from Zombie. The concept had promise and there were some great visual moments, but overall the structure was the movie's downfall. Well, there's also the weak factorial elements about witchcraft or at least the illusion to me. Lastly, even though I haven't seen the other movies, I'm going to join the bandwagon and agree that putting your wife in movies is a bad idea.

The Lego Movie (2014, USA) | Rating: 5/5
The beginning of the new year has consistently been a slow one, since things have changed in cinema. The only thing I was looking forward to was this movie. I had some high expectations and I avoided reviews until I saw the movie for myself. I went on opening weekend as planned and I can honestly say that this movie...completely exceed my expectations. This movie was pretty awesome! This is a great movie for both adults and children with a mix bag of humor, great action, a simple story, mindblowing animation, and nostalgic feels. I really, really enjoyed it. I'm considering seeing it again in theaters and then waiting for the home release. I highly, highly recommend anyone to see this movie, because it is simply awesome.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014, USA) | Rating: 4/5
Similar to Thor, I wasn't completely invested in the first movie, but this second installment definitely amped it up. I enjoyed the character development, expansion on the backstory, and interactions among each other. After watching this movie, I desperately wanted Man of Steel to have this same style and tone. I also wanted more Falcon and Winter Soldier, but I really enjoyed this movie. It didn't feel 2 hours long either, although there might've been a couple scenes that could've been shorter, but I'm just being a little nitpicky about it. In the end, I feel really pumped about the next Marvel installment.
If there's something you want me to review (or want a more in depth review of the movies above or previous ones), check out this post on how you can submit requests.
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