Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Ophelia's Favorite Witches and Wizards: Part 1

In the spirit of my favorite time of year, I decided to put together a few supernaturally themed lists and reviews for our faithful readers. Anyone who knows me personally has more than passing knowledge that October goes well beyond just the usual pumpkins and fall festivities. My love of all things spooky, vampy and witchy is endless. Gather your familiar and prepare to be spelled by my top 10 witches and wizards.

Name: Lamia
Movie: Stardust (2006)
Novel: Stardust 
Written by: Neil Gaiman 
Played by: Michelle Pfeifer

"The golden burning heart of a star at peace is so much better than your frightened little heart. Even so, better than no heart at all!"

Lamia is the eldest of three once beautiful queens from a magical witch kingdom that sank into the sea. Her beauty and youth faded away with every use of magic once the kingdom was gone. When a star falls into the land of Faerie, Lamia sees her chance to restore her former glory. Consuming the heart of a star would give her centuries of youth and beauty.  However, she's not the only one looking for the star. In the original novel, the three witch queens don't have names as they've forgotten them long ago. Someone as lovely as Michelle Pfeifer couldn't go around without a name though!

Name: Nancy Downs
Movie: The Craft
Played by: Fairuza Balk

"Have you ever heard of invoking the spirit? It's when you call him... Manon. It's like... it's like you take him into you. It's like he fills you. He takes everything that's gone wrong in your life and makes it all better again."

It's easy to see why Nancy was so seduced by the power that forming a coven with Rochelle, Bonnie and Sarah gave her. Her life was pretty terrible. She lived in a rundown trailer with her mother and abusive stepfather and the kids at school treated her badly because she was the weird goth girl. Sarah joining the coven, the only natural witch in the bunch, gives the girls access to things they'd been longing for. How can that power corrupt when it's taken to a darker place?

Name: Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander
TV series: Legend of the Seeker
Novels: The Sword of Truth series
Written by: Terry Goodkind
Played by: Bruce Spence

"There is no such thing as pure good or pure evil, least of all in people. In the best of us there are thoughts or deeds that are wicked, and in the worst of us, at least some virtue. An adversary is not one who does loathsome acts for their own sake. He always has a reason that to him is justification. My cat eats mice. Does that make him bad? I don't think so, and the cat doesn't think so, but I would bet the mice have a different opinion." 

Zedd is a powerful wizard of the First Order. He was named the First Wizard during the D'Haran War. He became known as 'the wind of death' for leading the Midlands to victory and erecting the boundary between the three lands. Throughout the series, the wizard does everything he can to support the innocent. He is very kindhearted and can often be silly. There is no way that Richard would have been able to accomplish as much as he does throughout the series without Zedd's guidance. 

Name: Samantha Stephens
TV series: Bewitched (1964-1972)
Played by: Elizabeth Montgomery

"Try to control your temper. Remember, 'Peace on earth, goodwill to men' includes witches."

Samantha is a mother and a housewife; she also happens to be a witch. She tries to live a mortal life, after marrying a mortal man named Darrin Stephens. They had an agreement that she should only use magic when absolutely necessary. Her parents, both witches, don't approve of her marrying a mortal man. Her children also inherited their mother's witchy powers. Samantha happens to have a little tick when performing magic...the iconic twitch of her nose.

Name: Harry Dresden
TV series: The Dresden Files
Novels: The Dresden Files
Written by: Jim Butcher
Played by: Paul Blackthorn

"Passion has overthrown tyrants and freed prisoners and slaves. Passion has brought justice where there was savagery. Passion has created freedom where there was nothing but fear. Passion has helped souls rise from the ashes of their horrible lives and build something better, stronger, more beautiful."

Harry Dresden is a cynical, smartass who happens to be Chicago's only practicing wizard. He's also a special consultant on everything supernatural for the Special Investigations Unit of the Chicago police department. This gets Harry in over his head more often than not. He's an orphan with trust issues, but cares deeply for the few people close to him. As the series progresses, Harry comes up against Sidhe, vampires, demons, and much more. He is one of my absolute favorite characters!

Name: Melisandre
Tv series: Game of Thrones
Novels: A Song of Ice and Fire
Written by: George R.R. Martin
Played by: Carice van Houten

 "The night is dark and full of terrors, old man, but the fire burns them all away."

Melisandre is a Red Priestess of R'hillor, the Lord of Light. She was originally from Asshai but came to Westeros across the narrow sea. She begins the series as a counselor to Lord Stannis Baratheon. It is through this alliance that we first come to know the magic that she's able to employ. She can control and manipulate shadows, see visions in flames, and perform blood magic. Melisandre has the power to cast glamours to change the appearance of herself or others as well as perform resurrections. All of these things are down in the service of R'hillor!

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