Friday, September 28, 2012

Miko vs. SuG

I was introduced to SuG by a former friend. They were new to the scene and introduced the world to "heavy positive rock". It took me a little time to adjust to the newbies of PS Company with their debut PV "Scheat". It was almost too cutesy for me, but, with the release of "Alterna." and "Love Scream Party", I adored their energy and charisma as well as their music.

Over time, I grew to love this energetic quintet that livened up PSC since Miyavi was evolving and moving on and Alice Nine. was losing their way. SuG was quick to go major with Pony Canyon and endured a member change. The music was so-so and growth didn't show as much. During the time Takeru gained interest with fashion, the band's music became clashes of noise and their PVs were overly visual. Some fans read this era as Takeru being selfish and only gaining attention with his fashion. The band tried to do new things by incorporating rapping and choreography which appeared out of place. For me, it came too close to LM.C's standards and made me slowly lose interest in the band.

I continued to hold onto the few things I enjoyed about SuG like their energy, personalities, and openness to try new things. "Umbilical" showed a different side to them and "Pastel Horror Yum Yum Show" almost hit the mark for me. It wasn't until their single release for the month that they finally found a balance between the old and new sounds while trying something different. "SweeToxic" gave me hope and somewhat rekindled my love for the group. I'm hoping one day that other PSC bands I enjoy will have the same rebirth soon.

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