Sugar Kisses (2013, Mexico) | Rating: 3.5/5
Most of you know that I'm no stranger to foreign films and that they don't have to be from Asia. I am very open to anything that sounds interesting no matter what the language. One language I would like to hear more of when it comes to TV shows and movies is Spanish. I don't get to hear enough of it in my life. This movie follows 2 young children who have their own unique personal struggles and end up "falling in love" with each other. Sure, it brings in the cliche of street gangs and wanting to leave them, but it has a cute little twist with our young protagonists. They're both struggling with their lack of social status and are simply trying to get by in life with each other. This movie does show off some great action as they run away from their captors and the sweet development of their relationship.

Annabelle: Creation (2017, USA) | Rating: 4/5
Ophelia and
myself have reviewed the first
Annabelle movie...and honestly, I feel like the score should've been lower on my part, because it was a bit disappointing in areas. Looking back in my journal, I apparently started a full a review for this, but...I'm just going to stick with something short and sweet, since this movie is old. This prequel to a prequel of a side story definitely made up for what the first movie lacked in a lot of areas. It had great atmosphere, effective suspense, and characters I cared about that didn't do too many stupid things. It definitely made the first movie's quality decrease in the amount of effort that was put into this movie and somehow it managed to connect the two very well.

Beyond the Gates (2016, USA) | Rating: 3.5/5
I'm not sure if I saw this film in a preview or simply just saw the cover and thought it was interesting. Nonetheless, I thought it might be some goofy B-movie, but it ended up being an enjoyable time. If you've seen the cover (and possibly the screenshot above), you can tell by the colors and contents that this movie has a retro feel to it. For those who remember board games that include VHS tapes, this might be a fun little supernatural ride that's a little reminiscent of
Jumanji, but with it's own vintage twist of the 80s/90s. There are some familiar elements in this movie like two brothers who lost their father and don't get along, but are brought together by a third party to mend their bond. This isn't the best movie of all time or anything, but it did surpass my expectations.

How to Be a Latin Lover (2017, USA) | Rating: 3.5/5
This was another movie I wasn't sure about, but it looked pretty funny, so obviously I gave it a chance. This movie is kinda predictable, but it was very funny. I loved the main character's superficial problems and how he had to deal with every little wacky shenanigan that came his way. The chemistry among the cast felt natural and I enjoyed the bilingual elements infused in this movie. Although it would be quite odd if they didn't add some Spanish flavor in a movie about a supposed Latin lover. Despite Eugenio Derbez being in several films, which is an understatement to his lengthy filmography, this was my first experience of his comedic work, which prepared me for his hilarious acting skills in the remake of
Overboard with Anna Faris. This was a delightful experience and I wouldn't mind laughing Eugenio and Salem Hayek fighting with each other again.

The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe (2015, USA) | Rating: 4/5
When it comes to Lifetime biopics, it can be a hit or miss, but most of the time they tend to be a miss for a lot of audiences. This one is an exception to the rule as it actually had some nominations and won awards. I didn't have any expectations going into this movie, but I did a hear a few glowing comments here and there at my job. What little I know about Ms. Monroe opened my mind to the possibilities and I feel like after watching this movie that I learned so much about her true personality and struggle. I knew she wasn't as airheaded as the characters she played, but I don't think I've seen depictions of her just being herself. So, it was great that Lifetime was able to capture the duality and struggle of Monroe's coexisting personas. While I'll remain wary of Lifetime's biographical releases, both past and future, I can confidently say that this one was definitely a winner.
If there's something you want me to review, check out
Muddy Cult's Patreon on how to submit requests.