[2010.11.08] Warehouse Live in Houston, TX
featuring: Aural Vampire, Dommin, Black Veil Brides, & The Birthday Massacre
Aural Vampire
Exo-Chika: vocals
Raveman: keyboard/synths
The Japanese duo were the first to open up for the evening. Raveman came out on the stage first to get us all hyped up and started off the music for Exo-Chika to make her entrance. She was gorgeous and seductive and mysterious beneath her mask for the little moment she had it on. They played a few of my favorites and I wished the energy was a little higher and their set was a little longer, but hopefully I'll be able to see them again in the near future. They did interact with the audience a lot, even though I'm pretty sure not a lot of people have heard of them before. Raveman let the crowd push a few buttons on his remote to distort the sound a little and Exo-Chika talked to us some in English. She's so cute~ Toward the middle of their set, more people got into the music and I think the electronic duo felt the energy. During "muriarizumu", they played with each other. Raveman had balloons and Exo-Chika had a little pistol to shoot them within the breaks in the music. It was very entertaining! My friend and I danced a lot and people around us didn't understand until the setlist was coming to a close. Here's my attempt at a setlist for you guys:
Vampire Ecstasy
Shonan Zoku -Cannibal Coast-
69 Balloons
Darkwave Surfer
Kristofer Dommin: vocals & guitar
Billy James: bass
Konstantine: keyboard
Cameron: drums
Black Veil Brides
Andy Sixx: vocals
Jake Pitts: guitar
Jinxx: guitar/violin
Ashley Purdy: bass
Christian “CC” Coma: drums
In the beginning, I thought they were totally jrock influenced or something, but according to this interview with Lacarmina they had never heard of it until people pointed it out. I think Andy (and possibly the other boys) are starting to like it, but let's hope that doesn't happen. ^^; So, they get their visual influence from Montley Crue and make a lot of their costumes. Fine, fine. I thought they'd be okay like Dommin, but looking them up beforehand...totally not my style. My friend and I decided to move from our wonderful spots to save us from the rabidness of the "Bridesmaids". Thank God we did! Insanity. Pure insanity! The crowd went crazy before the long stretch of fabric across the stage was removed and pumped it 10 times over when they started performing. Now I can respect musicians for having that "I don't give a fuck" attitude, but it irks my nerves when that musician is also super cocky and sucks ass at what he does. I'm sorry, BVB fans, I'm not joining you guys on this one. I couldn't tell when one song ended and the other began. Everything sounded the same with the same harsh intensity. It was annoying when Andy kept asking the audience to sing and he'd pull the mic away to sing himself. I'm surprised he didn't get raped when he stage dove too! So, my friend and I commented on their appearance. Joked about how they had fun with Sharpies on Andy's body to make him look hardxcore. I will admit that they had the most over the top performance out of everyone, but I would never see them live again. Too scarring. x_x Obviously, I'm no expert on their music either [and it'll probably stay that way for a very long time], but I know they performed "Knives and Pens" and "Perfect Weapon".
The Birthday Massacre
Chibi: vocals
Rainbow: guitar
Michael Falcore: guitar
O.E.: bass
Owen: keyboard
Rhim: drumsMy friend and I moved back to our spots on stage right and awaited TBM to approach the stage. They opened up with "In the Dark", getting the crowd super pumped and the energy just escalated from there. Chibi was all over the place and had this devilish, playful vibe about how she moved and sung. Everything sounded 10 times better in person than a recording, which I didn't think was possible. I felt everything flow inside and out. Deep connection was made, but nothing life changing. Rainbow was an interesting fella to watch spaz about with his guitar and step in occasionally for back-up vocals. Chibi dedicated songs to each band that performed before them and I think they grew closer to Aural Vampire throughout the whole tour, which is awesome! Japan and Canada unite!! So, here's my crazy attempt at a setlist:
Shallow Grave
Pins And Needles
Lovers End
Looking Glass
Red Star
Horror Show
Video Kid
Falling Down
To Die For
Overall, I had a lot of fun and we didn't get injured by the rabid Bridesmaids! I hope to see Aural Vampire make another appearance in the great state of Texas, especially if they time up with The Birthday Massacre again. As we were leaving, I got a chance to snag a pic with Exo-Chika [and Raveman is hanging out in the background] and my friend got to tell Chibi that she was awesome while she was taking a smoke break outside by the buses. Hope you guys enjoyed my review!
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