Now before I start answering this question, I want to state that I'm not gonna bash on Korea, their music, or their fans. It would be off topic to do so and unnecessary. I also want to state that I am a solid jrock fan and a mere listener of Korean music.
Anyway, the question on some people's mind is "what's going on?" and "why is everyone oogling these pretty boy dancers?". Well, I have asked around and let it settle in my mind the reasons. So, now I'm ready to give you my opinion on the matter.
Everyone's different, we should all understand this. Not everyone thinks that Dir en grey is the most superior band in Japan and not everyone wants to get in Heechul's pants. Therefore there is no one answer to this and since I don't delve into the goings on of the kpop world religiously like jrock, excluding one bias, I'm basing some things on pure observation and some input from friends.
Another possibility that somewhat ties into the first is boredom. Many good bands have been disbanding or building up the energy for later while the latter distract fickle, superficial fans and dominate the genre. This may turn off potential jrock fans because of the terrible representation that's flooding communities and forums.
If you've seen the movie Suicide Circle (a.k.a. "Suicide Club"), the main biases of the story, I believe, is that once one set of people establish something popular, the rest of society follows. It is human nature for us to be fickle and wanting to be accepted, so we change parts of ourselves to fit what is trending. Some more than others.
There is also more acceptance of fangirling in the kpop fandom. No one will criticize you for making shallow comments about someone. Maybe because a big part of the genre is based on image. I know I've seen some very pretty boys dancing around and singing out of tune and yet girls still go insane over them. Lastly, there is less personal boundaries. You can find out more personal information about your favorite idol on the internet and see what they're up to on social networks. During interviews, they're a little more open on what types of girls they like, embarrassing moments, and items they keep in their bag. But I think that's a cultural thing.
No matter what the reasons may be for switching over to either side, I think we need to stop bashing each other for enjoying something completely opposite from your main musical taste. We should also stop with the verbal war of kpop staying out of Japan, because the statement is rather hypocritical and music is a great way to unite the world. Lastly, it's okay to enjoy both as well. I'm pretty sure there's no law against liking opposing genres. Be open-minded~
1 comment:
Thank you so much for this! I've been wondering where all the j-rock fans went, the communities have been sort of dead the past few years, and they were so vibrant just a few years ago :( And it's really the community feeling that I miss... I will never (again) abandon my j-rock, it's a part of me, but I think with this much interest in kpop there's gotta be something to it, and I might start listening to it, just to get taht (but then again, something could come along later and then kpop will go through the same's a neverending cycle of disappointment). But maybe kpop has something that the j-rock community is just missing or failing to provide right now. Hopefully one day we'll come back :)
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