Sunday, December 22, 2013

Top 5 Recommended Music Videos

"Paradise (What About Us?)" by Within Temptation feat. Tarja
I think this is one of those dream vocalist mash-ups that people wouldn't think would happen in real life. Well, it happened and I'm glad it did. A really good friend of mine shared this one and she's responsible for getting me familiar with these two talented ladies. This is nothing short of perfection with an interesting story and balanced out shots of the band and Tarja performing together. The vocals don't overpower each other either and it's just something to experience.

"Get By" by Delta Heavy
I've learned something about dubstep mid-year to now, that there are different types of dubstep sounds. Anyway, I found this on my Tumblr dash and the nostalgia had a field day with not only the visuals, but the sound. The music has a mix of late night 90s dance music and vocals mixed with not too overpowering dubstep sound. I thought the visuals were very creative and it was fun naming all the different games seen in the video.

"Seseragi" by ADAMS
I hope in the near future I can talk about this duo, because I really like them and I hope they continue to grow next year. Anyway, PV to PV there's improvement and risks. Their whole theme revolves around homosexuality and honestly this PV is quite...depressing. Depressingly beautiful, actually. The simplistic music, soft vocals, and powerful visuals definitely provoke some strong emotions when you're watching it, at least it did for me.

"Let's Talk About You" by M.I.B feat. Yoon Bo Mi (A Pink)
It's interesting seeing a softer side of these fine young men. They have good control and wonderful singing vocals. This song definitely displays it more properly than their previous promotional efforts. The story is pretty simple and I like the editing. It reminds me of a couple Korean rappers and the music sounds a little late 90s R&B. I hope the group continues on this wonderful momentum, because they've been going in a good direction and pace.

"Shh" by After School
This year has been a strong one for this group and I know I'm repeating myself, but I'm glad I gave them another chance thanks to an After School loving friend. Anyway, this video brings back that creative shadow and black and white style seen in Madonna's iconic "Vogue". The music is even retro and amazing. I don't think the choreography is as tight as their previous videos, but it is refreshing compared to other kpop female groups. I hope Japan appreciates it and the fact that it isn't a translation of a Korean song.

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