Occultic;Nine (2016) | Rating: 3/5
Since I started this whole "semicolon series", I feel obligated to just keep moving ahead on watching whatever else comes out with it. You can check out my quick reviews for
Steins;Gate and
Robotics;Notes. Unfortunately, I didn't review
Chaos;Head, but I did see it and I heard it was one of the least popular in the alternate universe series. Anyway, I started this series when it was fresh and new, but lost track due to trying to keep up with other series. Obviously, I'm terrible at juggling. When I finally had time to finish where I left off, I was on and off interested in what was going. Sometimes it felt like a lot of things were going on, but the story wasn't moving forward. It did have some interesting elements and twists to it, but I felt like I couldn't fully immerse myself like
Steins;Gate or even
Robotics;Notes. One of my biggest complaints was the dialogue had the same fast pace speed as
Durarara!!. It was hard trying to process everything I was reading and then forcibly digest it to understand the characters' reactions to whatever news they discovered. Also, Ryoutasu's uh...bosoms are
very distracting. In the end, I did enjoy it enough to get to the end and now I've started

The Satellite Girl and Milk Cow (2014) | Rating: 3/5
This was a different experience for me from South Korea. I know I've seen a couple or so animated features from the country, but I believe this is my first venture with a full length animated movie. I went into this movie blind and only heard of it when a patron turned it in at my job. Sadly, I don't keep up with all these anime movies, so when I do see them on the shelf or in the catalog, I check them out whenever I can. This was...interesting to say the least. I decided to watch this in its native language and it took a
long adjustment. The story was a bit scattered in places on what it wanted to do in the beginning, mostly because it jumped you right into the action of our main character Ko Gyeong-cheon singing then turning into a Milk Cow all of a sudden. Also, my introduction to Il-ho the Satellite was kinda odd. As time went on, I felt the story slowly adjust to what it wanted to do with itself...as strange as the conclusion is. I did find myself enjoying this odd, comedic romance, even though it had a rough start.

Netsuzou Trap (2017) | Rating: 2/5
I heard a lot of people were excited about this shoujo ai/yuri story to be adapted into a series, especially with
Citrus on the way. I've never heard of it before, but I'd figure I'd check it out. To everyone's surprise, the show ended up being 9 minute tease fest of infidelity, blackmail, and confusion, which I wasn't expecting. I think it's safe to say that NTR fans were disappointed with their approach. Sure, it was still interesting for me, but I feel like there could've been more. I'm not sure how it compares to the source material, but 3 out of the 4 main characters were very dislikable. Takeda, you deserve so much better for yourself! There is so much manipulation and sexual misconduct going on in this show that it can be borderline problematic. Then again, it does keep the story interesting and moving along for our two leading ladies Hotaru and Yuma. Compared to
Citrus, this isn't the best yuri option and it's a shame that they decided to make each episode 9 minutes long. Although, they effectively gave you the emotions you're supposed to feel, but I feel like they could do so much with the story.

Redline (2009) | Rating: 3/5
I've been wanting to watch this movie for a very long time. I remember seeing screenshots and gifs of this colorful, vibrant feature and hearing some pretty positive comments about it. While doing public streams to promote the blog's Patreon [
insert shameless plug here], I decided to get this one out of the way and hope the other people would be interested in checking it out as well. This high adrenaline race for the ages reminded me of the Wachowski's
Speed Racer. It was just as insane as that
Speed Racer when it came to the racing portions that I don't think I could properly explain what happened in the movie easily. I enjoy the action, the animation, and even some the characters, especially the main two characters, but I have no idea what was going on in the story whatsoever. Fun movie, but weak story. Of course, there's a small part of me that feels like I need to rewatch it as I think I missed some special aspect in the story to truly appreciate the film through and through.

SoniAni: Super Sonico The Animation (2014) | Rating: 2.5/5
I've seen Sonico quite a lot, especially at anime conventions, and I've always wondered if she's some mascot for something or if she's actually from a series. When I saw the DVD set at my job, I had to check out what the hype was over this character...excluding the obvious visual appeal. So...the show wasn't all that impressive. I mean, it was alright seeing this idol in her daily life, interacting with her friends, and working, but there's not a lot of substance to the "story". According a friend that's a fan of Sonico (it's one of her waifus), she said that the anime didn't give Sonico justice and it wasn't that good. Although, I can say that it built more of a personality dimension in my head and made me interested in her best friends and bandmates. I might investigate further and see if there are other ways to figure out Sonico's full appeal, but for now, I just have this fun little series that wasn't terrible, but seriously didn't give me much to work with.
If there's something you want me to review, check out
Muddy Cult's Patreon on how to submit requests.