I Feel Pretty (2018, USA) | Rating: 4/5
Say what you will about Amy Schumer's stand-up, she's pretty enjoyable in feature films...at least what I've seen so far. I think for those who want to enjoy Schumer's humor without too much crass comedy, going the movie route seems like the best option. Then again, I haven't fully delved into the stand-up side of this comic. Anyway, I remember enjoying her in Trainwreck and I wasn't originally going to check this one out, but I heard some good things from my co-workers. They weren't wrong in their positive opinions. I really enjoyed this one. It was like a semi-reverse version of Jack Black's Shallow Hal, where the supposed love interest unattractive (read as: fat *rolls eyes*) woman looks like your stereotypical super modelesque beauty, but this time our main character is that beautiful person. One thing I was surprised about the "transformation" is that we never see what Schumer's character sees, which proves the whole point of the movie, especially when you hear the inspiring speech, or a-ha moment, of the movie. So far, Schumer has been 2 for 2 for me in the movie department as I really enjoyed this one and it even gave me some words to think about in my own life.

Hallows Eve (2016, UK) | Rating: 2.5/5
That moment when your movies are about expire on Hulu and you have to force yourself to watch them right away. Yeah, that's what happened with this movie and 2 others I will review later. Honestly, I don't remember if I even read the description when adding this movie to my watch list. While watching, I gradually thought to myself that maybe I added this based on the cover and expected it to be some mischievous Halloween themed movie of horror...and probably fun. Well, this wasn't the Halloween movie that I thought it would be and it's barely a horror movie, which isn't a bad thing. What I got was a turf war gone over the top; where vengence fuels the feud. While some aspects of the story and characters were interesting, I feel like there's something missing to fully pull me into this almost one-sided battle of the gangs. By the time the "twist" came around, I felt like the motivation reveal was rushed...unless I missed some sort of detail at the beginning half. Nonetheless, I don't think this one movie I would remember for Halloween or even just a normal day, but it definitely wasn't a bad one. I thought it was entertaining take on gang wars and families with a smidge of horror.

Tully (2018, USA) | Rating: 3.5/5
I've seen the preview to this movie a few times from other DVDs I've rented and it looked really interesting. Kind of a semi-reimagining of "Mary Poppins" without the magic and music. It's interesting seeing the usually fabulous and badass Charlize Theron as your typical mother figure who's simply overwhelmed. The story was rather intriguing as she deals with her trying to her two children and newborn for the most part by herself while her husband works, but he's no dead weight or anything. Although reluctant, she does eventually hire a nanny to alleviate her situation and ultimately enjoy herself as an individual. One thing I can say is that I didn't expect to enjoy this movie as much as I did, especially when Theron's character Marlo's relationship with the nanny Tully grows so deeply. I will admit that there are some dramatics toward the end, but it did add a very sweet ending to this story.

Pop Aye (2017, Singapore) | Rating: 4/5
*whines about being bad about watching foreign movies with subtitles* I have never heard of this movie before, but it sounded interesting. Once I popped it in my PS2, I was ready for whatever adventure I was being taken on with Thana and his childhood companion Pop Aye. This is definitely one of those stories of being tired of being overlooked, taken advantage of, and just living your childhood drama to the fullest...or as full as possible. This movie was very charming; think Pee Wee's Big Adventure. You get attached to your main character and want him to succeed with his goal, but the most important part is the journey, not the destination. That's the beauty of this film! I don't think I've seen a lot of movies from Singapore, but this one left a very good impression on me.

Extinction (2018, USA) | Rating: 3.5/5
A co-worker and I were exchanging movie recommendations and at first, he told me to watch The Invasion, which was the wrong movie. I did watch it and I might do a short review for it. When he realized his error, I watched the correct movie...this one. This futuristic movie starring Michael Pena, who I just saw in Deadpool 2, ended up being just as interesting as the "mistake" recommendation. The way my co-worker described it really made a huge impression on him and he was quite shocked by the turn of events. So, that set a somewhat high bar for me. I was supposed to be expecting something that would blow my mind and...it didn't. Well, I mean it did successfully surprise me, but I wasn't as shocked as he was. Going back to certain scenes, since I fell asleep in areas, I noticed how this all tied up into the neat little package that it is. If I gave the movie my full attention, maybe I would've been less passively surprised by the conclusion. The movie isn't a bad one in the least. It has a really good premise with lots of action and interesting enough characters. Although I didn't know much about the movie's main family, I did want them to survive this spontaneous ordeal they had to face. I will admit that this movie isn't perfect and I've seen this sort of concept done a little better, I do believe that it is well worth a watch or two.