Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Q&A: Pentagon (Japan)

At A-Kon 28 in Fort Worth, TX, Pentagon held a Q&A for the fans and here are the questions asked by the fans, during this event. I want to thank their management and Fake Star for bringing Pentagon to Forth Worth and allowing the fans this opportunity. Pictures were not allowed during the Q&A, but we were able to take pictures during their autograph session and raffle.

Band Members
Chizuru - vocals
Taku - guitar
Yutori - guitar
Minpha - bass
Atsuki - drums

Please introduce yourselves.

Atsuki: (in English) My name is Atsuki.
Yutori: (in English) My name is Yutori. -dabs-
Chizuru: (in English) My name is Chizuru.
Taku: My name is Taku.
Minpha: -holds up sign-
Taku: -speaks in high voice, reading the sign- My name is Minpha.

Q: What did you think of your live show last night?

Atsuki: Super amazing!
Yutori: (in English) Amazing!
Chizuru: It was our first live in the U.S. and I was nervous, but I was happy to see how energetic the crowd was.
Taku: Even though our songs are in Japanese, I was impressed that our fans were singing in Japanese.
Minpha: -holds up sign-
Taku: -reads sign- High energy, crazy, ecstasy

Q: What's something delicious you've had in Texas?

C: Whataburger
T: Subway and barbecue
Y: Oreo
A: Tequila
T: Tortillas were pretty good too.
A: Texas beer (like Corona)

Q: What Japanese artists do you admire or inspire you?

Everyone looks around in thought.
Y: Morning Musume
C: Kobakuto
M: -holds up sign- Dir en gray
Translator: -reads sign- You spelled it with an "A"
T: -reads sign too and laughs-
T: Acid Black Cherry

Q: Will you return to A-Kon? I missed the concert.

C: Of course!

Q: Will you do a live in California?

C: Maybe, someday. If they call us, absolutely!
Y: We will!
A: Tomorrow

Q: What is your favorite anime?

A: Dragonball
Y: Jojo
C: Naruto
T: One Piece
M: Pokemon

Q: To Minpha: Would you do a collaboration photo with Meto and your mascots?

M: Sometimes they do play together

Q: Would you ever cosplay, if you come next time?

Everyone gives two thumbs up.

Q: What shocking differences have you experienced in Texas compared to Japan?

T: I bought some souvenirs and chocolate with a bug in it.
Y: I went to Starbucks for iced coffee, but my English isn't very good. So, I got a cup of ice instead.
M: The showers are different (bigger).

Q: To Chizuru: How do you take care of your voice?

C: If I overthink, I hurt myself, so I don't think too much. Yutori usually takes care of me.

Q: What do you enjoy for fun? How do you recharge your thinking?

A: I drink
Y: Practice
C: Video games
T: Watch anime
M: Practice

Q: Do you have any live rituals to calm your nerves?

C: I get super nervous, but having the members as my friends, it helps with my nerves.
Y: I also get nervous, but seeing everyone makes me less nervous. -hides his face during translations-
T: I get nervous too. I was especially nervous last night when I had to do the MC. It did work out fine with the help of a translator.
M: It was crazy! -has a drawing of Doraemon on his sign-

Q: What American bands do you like?

A: There's a probably a lot of bands I like. I'm not sure what country they're from, but I have a lot on my iPod.
T: Linkin Park and My Chemical Romance
Y: I don't know. -thinks-
M: Korn
Y: -intensely thinking- Mr. Big

Q: Do you prefer America or Japan?

Translator: That's a dangerous question~
A: (in English) America
Y: America
C: Japan
T: Japan
M: America

Q: What do you do after gigs?

Y: I keep up with flowers, so I go home and take care of them.
C: Usually the members go out drinking really late, but I don't remember.
T: I like cooking.
M: Party

Q: To Minpha: How did you like the fashion show?

M: Since it was my first time, I was very nervous.

Translator: They have a question for you. The band would like some food recommendations.

Audience: In-N-Out, Texas barbecue, Cheesecake Factory, Carl's Jr., Mexican food

Editor's Note: I believe the band had already been to Whataburger. So, you can calm down, Texans!

Translator: What do you like eat from Japan?

Audience: Sushi, teriyaki, tempura, natto

Q: Do you have any advice for getting into visual kei?

T: Find really good friends.
Y: Just get up on stage. We're waiting on you!
C: -headdesk at Yutori's answer- Obviously, there's the visuals, but music is the most important part. Look at the visuals, but focus on the music.

Q: Where do you reside at?

Y: Maybe we can ask a different question.

Q: What's the difference between American and Japanese live audiences?

C: This is our first time here, but everyone sung and danced. It was a lot of energy!
Y: You guys are cute!
M: Everyone was pretty, sparkly, and energetic.

Q: Do you regret getting into music or was it meant to be?

Translator: Ooh~ Deep question!
Y: If I hadn't done music, I would be a ninja. -imitates Naruto's ninjitsu-
C: There are some tough moments, but they're great friends, so it was all worth it. Otherwise, I would be a babysitter.
T: -cracks up at Chizuru's answer- My mom was a pianist, so I would have ended up in music either way. It's pretty awesome!
M: I would be a Monster Hunter
A: I have a lot of dreams, but music is great. If it wasn't there, I don't know what I would do.

Q: What was going on in your mind while we waited for the concert to start?

T: Amazing
Y: -points to Taku-
C: I wasn't expecting cheers, but it made me feel good hearing everyone's energy and love.
Y: I've always wanted to perform in the U.S. Hearing the fans cheer for an encore, it was like a dream come true. (in English) More, more, more!

Q: What is the most untrue stereotype about the U.S. or Texas?

Y: I thought everyone would have a gun.
T: That everyone would be out in the streets drunk late at night.
C: I was really afraid of being abroad and had concerns about the food not sitting well, but the food's really good!

Final message.

A: Yesterday's live was amazing. It's nice to have a Q&A to look forward to and come back here for a two way dialogue.
Y: The live was amazing and the Q&A was great too! Please keep listening to our music to make you feel better. Thank you!
C: Thank you, everyone, for coming to our live. I tried to give everything. So much passion! I will bring more passion and better songs.
T: Thank you for everything. This is our first time abroad and I want to come back to do a really long tour.
M (in English) I love you! We'll come back soon.

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