Band Members
Akuta - vocals
Shia - guitar
Chitose - guitar
Taku - bass
Naruto - drums

Q: How do you feel about Tulsa?
Akuta: I've been having a lot of fun here.
Chitose: It's my first time here! There's a lot of amazing people and good food. I've had fun.
Naruto: I'm having an awesome time in Tulsa.
Taku: I ate a lot of taters!
Shia: The weather has been good and I'm having an amazing time abroad.
Q: What is your favorite anime?
A: Bleach
C: Jojo
N: Tokyo Ghoul
T: Attack on Titan
S: Jojo and One Piece
Q: Are you surprised that foreign fans listen to visual kei?
T: I was definitely surprised. I didn't know foreign fans were into visual kei.
Q: How do you keep your hair so perfect?
All: Our stylist.
Q: Do you have any Japanese food suggestions?
S: Nikki ramen
T: Kansai ramen
N: Sushi
T: Conveyour belt sushi
A: Beef bowl
There was a moment a fan gave the band a gift. Chitose tried the food inside and spat it out with Naruto and Akuta using their hands to censor the moment as they had no tissues (or something). Everyone laughed at their reaction.
Q: Who is your inspiration?
[Editor's Note: I'm not sure if this is what the actual question was as my notes just say "Inspiration".]
A: Taku is the best bassist in Japan, Shia is the best looking guitarist, Naruto is the biggest drummer, and Chitose is the craziest one. That's what makes Chanty!
Q: What is the worst thing that has happened in Tulsa?
A: The hotel breakfast is the same every day.
T: I agree about the breakfast, but I brought mayo from Japan.
S: I also agree about breakfast, but I had burgers every day for dinner.
Fan: You should make miso!
Band motions them to bring it.
N: I snuck away to get instant ramen. It was amazing!
T: I haven't experienced any bad things. I love the USA!
Q: What personal and/or band challenges have you overcome?
A: I would like to come back and do a tour in America.
S: We had a glass background and the logo broke. So, I fixed it with cardboard.
C: Everytime we make a single, I feel the pressure to improve.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Tulsa?
S: Seeing the lakes. There's a lot of lakes and I haven't been out yet.
A: Being able to do a live and fan events. I haven't explored the city yet.
C: Being right here is my favorite.
Q: Where do you want to visit the most?
C: Los Angeles
N: New York
S: Las Vegas
T: We want to visit casinos.
A: Oklahoma
Q: What's your favorite song to recommend fans?
C: M.O.B.
A: Otonarisan
N: Kimi to batsu Shoutai
T: Flight
S: Alive
Q: What is your favorite Pokemon?
N: Snorlax
A: Rattata, because he looks like me.
C: Mew
T: Pidgey
S: Eevee
Q: Can I get free tickets in Tulsa?
[Editor's Note: I'm not sure what this question is supposed to be. My notes say, "Get free tickets in Tulsa".]
All members laugh
A: Let's do a free live.
Q: What visual kei bands do you like?
A: Dir en grey, Plastic Tree, Pierrot
T: The GazettE
Q: What are your thoughts on yaoi?
All: It's time!
A: In the "Otonorisan" PV, Shia and Taku get close.
Translator: There will be no demostration.
A: They're not together
S: Unfortunately.
Q: What are your favorite U.S. bands or singers?
S: Avril Lavigne and Slipknot
C: Metallica and Red Hot Chili Peppers
A: Aerosmith
T: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Q: What do you look for in a girl?
N: Big butt
T: Short hair and big boobs that fit my hands
C: Overall, a nice smile...and big boobs
A: I like anime girl characters [or maybe he means someone who looks like an anime girl character], but everyone looks good! So, I'm happy!
S: Someone who's shorter than me with long hair
Q: What is your favorite PV?
A: Otonorisan *imitates his bandmates kissing*
C: M.O.B.
N: Fighting(?)
S: M.O.B.
T: Our first PV, "Owari no Hajimari"
Q: What advice do you have for musicians to keep up with their art?
C: Stay true to yourself.
A: Eat well, sleep well, and laugh a lot.
N: Enjoy yourself.
T: Do a lot of bad things.
S: Smoke, drink alcohol, and be with a lot of women.
Q: What is your favorite dinosaur?
A: Pterodactyl
C: T-rex
S: Rex from Toy Story
T: T-rex from Monster Hunter
N: Godzilla
Q: What's something you regret doing or not doing, besides eating potatoes?
N: Not going to the zoo.
S: Not swimming in the hotel pool with Taku.
A: They really wanted to go swimming.
C: Not being able to speak English better.
A: Not receiving more hugs.
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