Starring: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, Martin Freeman
Directed by: Edgar Wright
Language: English
Rating: R
Running Time: 2 hr 1 min
This second entry to the Cornetto Triology was a recommendation from a good friend I met in university and I finally watched it. At the same time, I've now completed the triology!

Top London cop PC Nicholas Angel is good. Too good. To stop the rest of his team looking bad, he is reassigned to the quiet town of Sandford. He is paired with Danny Butterman, who endlessly questions him on the action lifestyle. Everything seems quiet for Angel until two actors are found decapitated. It is called an accident, but Angel won't accept that, especially when more and more people turn up dead. Angel and Danny clash with everyone while they try to uncover the truth behind the mystery of the apparent "accidents". [Source: Film_Fan on IMDb]
I have no idea why I skipped out on this movie...or really I just procastinated on seeing it. I really enjoy the other two movies in the triology: Shaun of the Dead and The World's End, so I had no doubts that I would enojoy this one. May I also add that said friend has some pretty good taste and I knew she wouldn't recommend me anything I wouldn't like.
Simon Pegg and Nick Frost is another dynamic comedic duo that will always deliver the laughs and I hope they make more movies together, although Pegg on his own is just as entertaining whether it's comedy or something else. I had fun with this movie, which is what I expected. The concept wasn't anything new, but the execution is what matters in the entertainment department. The stunts were wild, the antics were hilarious, and the cast of characters had such great chemistry with each other. Overall, this was another enjoyable entry in the Cornetto Triology. While it isn't my favorite entry, I definitely wouldn't mind giving it repeated viewings.

Starring: Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle
Directed by: Terry Gilliam & Terry Jones
Language: English
Rating: PG
Running Time: 1 hr 31 mins
Now for a Patreon request from Norma D.! You forced me to step out of my box and watch a movie that some of my friends (and old director) made references to.

History is turned on its comic head when, in tenth-century England, King Arthur travels the countryside to find knights who will join him at the Round Table in Camelot. Gathering up the men is a tale in itself but after a bit of a party at Camelot, many decide to leave only to be stopped by God, who sends them on a quest: to find the Holy Grail. After a series of individual adventures, the knights are reunited but must face a wizard named Tim the Enchanter, killer rabbits and lessons in the use of holy hand grenades. Their quest comes to an end however when the Police intervene - just what you would expect in a Monty Python movie. [Source: garykmcd on IMDb]
This isn't the first time I've watched a request I had no intention of ever watching. I have never watched any of the Monty Python movies; mostly because I'm not super into British humor. I know this film is beloved by many as well as their other comedy endeavors, but I simply had no interest in finding out why people enjoyed them so much. But here we are, my first Monty Python movie.
It was...interesting, I guess. I did enjoy some of the humor and the characters were entertaining for the most part. It was interesting that the story was later broken up into different chapters focusing on each member of the round table. It's also nice to finally have some context for some of the jokes I've seen and heard over the years, even though one of those jokes have been comically botched by the scratches on the disc I rented from work. Unfortunately, the humor had more misses than hits for me personally. A lot of the time I found it kinda repetitive or I didn't understand it due to language and time. Sometimes I found myself kinda bored with the quest for the Holy Grail and the movie felt longer than an hour and a half. Some characters' stories made more sense than others and kinda fit with the overall story, but the ones that didn't really lost me. Because I wasn't emotionally invested in this movie or the characters, I couldn't get too mad at the sudden, out of nowhere ending. All I could do was sigh and accept what was given to me on the screen.
Something I like to ask myself when I watch these classics for the first time is "Do I feel like I missed out on something great?". For this movie in particular...no, no I don't. It was nice to know those inside jokes, but I don't feel like I should've watched this sooner or anything without it being a request. I can understand why people enjoy this movie, but my assumptions of it not being for me were correct.
If there's something you want me to review, check out Muddy Cult's Patreon on how to submit requests.
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